
提供: Wikimedia Conference Japan 2009
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このページの著作者はMohammad DAOUDです。詳しくはライセンスをご覧ください。

Using Wikipedias to Initialize Multilingual Preterminological Lexical Networks

Mohammad DAOUD
12:00 - 16:00
Using Wikipedias to Initialize Multilingual Preterminological Lexical Networks
In this poster, we will show our experiment in initializing a special kind of multilingual lexical resources using Wikipedias, as a source of multilingual terminological knowledge.
We build a lexical network of terms related to the Silk Road with the help of Wikipedias.
Basically, we use the URL structure in a Wikipedia article to extract translations of certain term into different languages automatically, the extracted information is stored in a graph structure, where it will be confirmed by other multilingual resources, and ultimately, by contributors.