「Media coverage」の版間の差分

提供: Wikimedia Conference Japan 2009
移動先: 案内検索
(ページ ドラフト:Media CoverageMedia Coverage へ移動)
(+langlink, cat)
1行目: 1行目:
{{Langlink|紹介|Media Coverage}}
This is a brief list of articles mentioning Wikimedia Conference Japan 2009.
This is a brief list of articles mentioning Wikimedia Conference Japan 2009.
14行目: 15行目:
{{カテゴリ|English page|ドラフト}}

2009年8月20日 (木) 02:00時点における版

日本語 | English

This is a brief list of articles mentioning Wikimedia Conference Japan 2009.

Please tell us via Contact Form when you mentioned or found which mentions WCJ 2009. We will add them on the list as possible.

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Media Coverage

Event Calenders and Repositories

Personal Medium